Quickli allows you to Hide lenders to streamline your lender panel and help you focus on lenders you want to work with.
To Hide a lender from your panel, click on the eyeball icon.
Once you click the Hide button the lender will now appear at the bottom of your lender panel.
To remove this lender from your panel completely click on the blue button that says Hide Hidden Lenders.
To Unhide a lender that you've previously hidden (on purpose or by accident), click the blue Show Hidden Lenders button
And then the eye ball icon. The lender will now be back in your panel!
How To Remove Lenders From Your Panel You're Not Accredited With
If you would like to remove lenders from your panel so they don't show up for new scenarios, customise which lenders show on your panel by clicking on the wrench button here
And then click on Lenders
Then untick all the lenders you want to remove
Any lenders you untick will no longer show up as options for new scenarios
You can undo this at anytime
If you do not have access to untick lenders, you may not have permission
Reach out to us in the chat window in the bottom right hand corner of your screen if you have any questions π€