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Quickli's Enhanced Max Capacity Settings
Quickli's Enhanced Max Capacity Settings

Understanding Max Capacity and how to make that number useful for multiple proposed loans

Paul Kelly avatar
Written by Paul Kelly
Updated over a week ago

Quickli's Max Capacity figure is now configurable, to allow the figure to become useful in situations with more than one proposed loan.

Most misunderstandings are ultimately because the max capacity figure in lender spreadsheets generally does not consider all proposed loans. There are other cases with negative gearing where the spreadsheet itself is misleading and Quickli is correct (detailed video here).

In this situation, Virgin will allow the Total Proposed Loan Amount to go to $1,251,668 if you keep the investment amount constant at $500,000 and only add to the OO Loan 1.

Virgin will allow the Total Proposed Loan Amount to go to $1,304,445 if you keep the OO amount constant at $500,000 and only add to the Investment Loan 2.

There is no way to represent this with one number and so the way that lenders (and Quickli up until this point) deal with this is to only look at loan 1 and ignore the existence of any additional loans.

Quickli has now developed Detailed Max capacity settings, which allow you to tell us which loans are remaining static and which loan you want to maximise. You can access these settings from both of the sections highlighted by the red box in the above screenshot.

Once you turn on the max capacity toggle you will now be able to see the results if you want to Maximise Loan 1 (OO)......

.....or Loan 2 (INV).

You can also choose to display just the loan amount that you want to Maximise (e.g. $804,422 for Virgin) rather than the Total Proposed loan amount in your "How it's displayed" section.

Remember that only one loan can be maximised at a time. It's also worth remembering that once you override your max capacity settings, they likely won't match the (often flawed) number in the lender's calculators.

If you don't currently have access to this feature, you're likely on the old billing system. You can come onto the new billing system by clicking the "Upgrade" button in your billing page.

Happy Calc'ing

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