Here are some of the most common reasons your results don't match between St George/Bank of Melb/Bank SA and Quickli ππ»
Investment Expenses
Investment expenses should always be inputted into Quickli for each investment property
But in the actual St George calc you input a single number for each applicant (not per property)
This makes it easy to neglect ownership % when inputting into St George. Easy to get complacent and do a simple 50/50
In Quickli you may have put a more specific ownership % (eg 70/30) for multiple properties.
St George Max Capacity
The max capacity figure on display in the St George calculator for investment loans is technically wrong
The St. George calculator doesn't properly iterate the negative gearing benefits received as the proposed investment loan is increased.
Quickli handles this perfectly
Test this theory by copying and pasting the Quickli max capacity figure on display into the St George proposed loan and you should get an NSR of exactly 1:1.0 to show on the St George calc.
If you have any questions about your St. George results reach out on the chat box in the right hand corner of your screen π€